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Celtic Petroleum : Products : Basin Studies :

Moesian Platform Basin Study
| Synopsis | Table of Contents | List of Plates |

List of Plates:


Plate 1 (Pl-1) - BW
Oil and Gas Field Location map & reservoir age (1:500,00)
Legend of Neogene, Cretaceous, Jurassic, Triassic, Devonian (and uncertain age) O & G fields

Plate 2
Structural & Stratigraphic Hydrocarbon Trap Styles
(Synoptic Table with geological X-sections and structural maps of O & G fields)

Plate 3
Major Fracture Pattern (1:500,000 scale)

Plate 4
Base Neogene

Isobath Map (1:500,000 scale)

Plate 5
Morphostructure Map (1:500,000 scale)

Plate 6

Isobath Map (1:500,000 scale)

Plate 7
Lias-Keuper Morphostructure
Isobath Map (1:500,000 scale)

Plate 8
Base Permian
Isobath Map (1:500,000 scale)

Plate 9
Meotic Montage of
Isopach Map (1:500,000 scale)

Conceptual Montage of Hydrocarbon Habitat for the Meotian, containing the following insets: 1) Isopach map of Meotian with locations of Meotian reservoir producing fields; 2) Location of 30 Meotian producing fields; 3) Zooms showing the geometry of the fields (X-Sections and structure); 4) Synoptic table with Meotian reservoir Statistics, Production and Hydrocarbon characteristics for 30 Meotian producing fields

Plate 10
Sarmatian Montage of
Isopach map (1:500,000 scale),

Conceptual Montage of Hydrocarbon Habitat for Sarmatian, containing the following insets: 1) Sarmatian Isopach map; 2) Location of 41 Sarmatian producing fields; 3) Zooms showing the geometry of the fields (X-Sections and structure); 4) Synoptic table with Mid-triassic reservoir Statistics, Production and Hydrocarbon characteristics for 5 Mid-Triassic producing fields

Plate 11
Cretaceous Montage of
Isopach map (1:500,000 scale),

Conceptual Montage of Hydrocarbon Habitat for the Cretaceous, containing the following insets: 1) Isopach map of Cretaceous; 2) Location of 37 Cretaceous producing fields; 3) Zooms showing the geometry of the fields (X-Sections and structure); 4) Synoptic table of Cretaceous reservoir Statistics, Production and Hydrocarbon characteristics for 37 Cretaceous producing fields

Plate 12
Mid Jurassic (Dogger) Montage of
Isopach map (1:500,000 scale),

Conceptual Montage of Hydrocarbon Habitat for the Dogger containing the following insets: 1) Dogger Isopach map; 2) Location of 13 Dogger producing fields; 3) Zooms dhowing the geoletry of the fields (X-Sections and structure); 4) Synoptic table with Dogger reservoir Statistics, Production and Hydrocarbon characteristics for 13 Dogger producing fields

Table 13
Upper Triassic Montage of

Isopach map (1:500,000 scale),

Conceptual Montage of Hydrocarbon Habitat for the Upper-Triassic, containing the following insets: 1) Isopach map of Upper Triassic; 2) Location of 6 Upper-Triassic producing fields; 3) Zooms showing the geometry of the fields (X-Sections and structure); 4) Synoptic table with Upper-Triassic reservoir Statistics, Production and Hydrocarbon characteristics for 6 Upper-Triassic producing fields

Plate 14
Mid-Triassic of
Isopach map (1:500,000 scale),

Conceptual Montage of Hydrocarbon Habitat for the Mid-Triassic, containing the following insets: 1) Isopach map of Mid Triassic; 2) Location of 7 Mid-Triassic producing fields; 3) Zooms dhowing the geoletry of the fields (X-Sections and structure); 4) Synoptic table with Mid-triassic reservoir Statistics, Production and Hydrocarbon characteristics for 7 Mid-Triassic producing fields

Plate 15
Namurian-Westphalian Montage of
Isopach map (1:500,000 scale),

Conceptual Montage of the Namurian-Westphalian Isopach with litho-stratigraphic columns

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