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Celtic Petroleum : Clients :

Client Testimonials

...Significant Contribution

"We have been satisfied with the Celtic reports and feel that they are useful additions during the initial stages of an evaluation study."

BP Exploration -
Head Appraisal Group (Europe, Canada North America)

"BP found the report most useful in building up their database on the area covered and they significantly contributed to our overall understanding of the region."

Norsk Hydro - Petroleum Division Norway
"His way of thinking and presenting geological models in three dimensions has given new light to many of the problems we jointly were trying to solve."

"Statoil has found Celtic's approach a valuable contribution to the understanding of the area."


"It must be emphasised, however, that Celtic's original approach remains the geodynamic reconstruction of geological basins. Dr. Romans's recommendations to our exploration department, as well as his various talks given in Paris to our staff on wrench tectonics, made a valuablecontribution to our work."

Ministere de l'Industrie et de la Recherche

"Monsieur Roman quie possede sans aucun doute une connaissance approfondie de la geologie de cette region, propose donc de reprendre l'ensemble des donnees existantes pour degages de nouveaux prospects, fondes sur une theorie geologique differente."

...Opinions Sought

"Je demande l'un de mes proches collaborateurs de prendre contact avec lui sans tarder."

The World Bank
"I would like to discuss your views as to the prospects for oil and gas discoveries and production in Eastern Europe, with emphasis on Hungary, and the possible interest of foreign Companies."

Reports ...Highly Professional


"The reports are comprehensive and synthesize data in a concise, logical manner."

BP Exploration
"BP found that the reports effectively and vigorously synthesized a large volume of exploration related data as well as appropriate field data."

...Original Concepts.


"The montages and maps are of highly professional quality and help to delineate and define both proven and potential exploration opportunities in the areas covered by the reports."

BP Exploration

"The accompanying montages were of high quality and data and maps were reproduced in a clear and consistent manner. Many of the montages were original in conception and clearly summarized the proven exploration plays suggesting ideas for future, as yet unproven, plays."


Norsk Hydro - Petroleum Division Norway

"Dr Roman has an open and easy way to communicate and he has a technical confidence that make it a pleasure working with him. He is always prepared to defend his technical decisions at the same time as he is able and willing to listen to others arguments.

It has been easy and pleasent to cooperate with him, and i give him the best recommendations."


"ROMAN communicates very well and convincingly. His power of analysis is expressed with great ease in several languages. These are all qualities which predict a brilliant career ahead of him, for which I wish him every success."

British Gas

"By developing contacts within our joint ventures, with other active oil companies and with government agencies; responsabilities for which we believe Dr. Roman was well suited.."


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