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Celtic Petroleum : Products : Basin Studies :

Black Sea Basin Study
| Synopsis | Table of Contents | List of Plates | Samples | Downloads |

Table of Contents :

CHAPTER 1: Introduction

1.1 Report Format
1.2 Data Sources

CHAPTER 2: Energy Supply and Demand

2.1. Introduction
2.2. Former USSR (Ukraine, Russia, Georgia)
2.3. Romania
2.4. Bulgaria
2.5. Turkey
2.6. Black Sea Exploration Highlights (1970 to present)
2.7. Summary

CHAPTER 3: Tectonic History

3.1. Crustal Form
3.2. Permo-Triassic development
3.3. Jurassic development
3.4. Cretaceous development
3.5. Tertiary development

CHAPTER 4: Structural Geology

CHAPTER 5: Stratigraphy and Palaeogeography

5.1. Pre-Cambrian Stratigraphy
5.2. Cambrian Stratigraphy
5.3. Ordovician Stratigraphy
5.4. Silurian/Devonian Stratigraphy
5.5. Carboniferous Stratigraphy
5.6. Permian Stratigraphy
5.7. Triassic Stratigraphy
5.8. Jurassic Stratigraphy
5.9. Cretaceous Stratigraphy
5.10. Paleogene Stratigraphy
5.11. Neogene Stratigraphy
5.12. Palaeogeography

CHAPTER 6: Petroleum Geology

6.1. Reservoir rocks
6.2. Source Rocks
6.3. Traps and Prospectivity

CHAPTER 7: Geophysics

7.1. Magnetic Data
7.2. Seismicity
7.3. Heatflow
7.4. Seismics

CHAPTER 8: Index of oil and Gas Fields and Prospects

8.1. Location maps
8.2. Main alphabetical index of Oil and Gas Fields and prospects from A to M
8.3. Fields and prospects from N to Z
8.4. Supplementary Index of Oil and Gas fields in Author order

CHAPTER 9: List of Figures and plates

CHAPTER 10: References

Structure of O&G Field Descriptives:


Black Sea Database -
890 Onshore and Offshore Oil and Gas fields and structures

Volumes 2 of 6 and 3 of 6 (Text)

Field Descriptive (in Data Base Text)

AA) Each Field Descriptive has the same format with the headings listed below.

A1) Field Name
A2) Region
A3) Discovery date
A4) Trap
A5) Reservoir/Lithology (Depth/thickness, Permeability, Porosity, Water saturation, Temperature)
A6) Hydrocarbons (O/G, Reserves, Production, Hydrocarbon Characteristics)
A7) Comments
A8) References

Field illustrations (A4 ) (in Data Base Text)

BB) Wherever available, most fields would have at least one illustration A4 size mini montage, facing the page containing the field parameters. Such montages may vay from field to field and generally contain the following illustrations:

B1) Regional sketch location map
B2) Name of field and of the figures represented therein
B3) Geological cross-section (with index)
B4) Structural map of the pay zone with E/P wells
B5) Composite log of the pay zone

NOTE apart from B1) and B2) any combination of B3), B4) and B6) may be part of a A4 composite montage. The O/G fields illustrations are complemented by maps and Montages in volumes 4, 5 and 6 The fields are arranged in alphabetical order (A to M in vol 2 and N to Z in vol 3) .

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